Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW


Children’s Scarecrow Trail

Children’s Harvest Scarecrow Trail and Competition

Saturday 3rd October 2pm-5pm

at both St Nicholas’s Church, Dunnington and Holy Trinity Church, Stockton on the Forest.

Join us in the churchyard for a fun scarecrow word trail, with prizes. Pick up your scarecrow making craft kit and enter our competition.

Please remember social distancing rules. Thank you.

Download the poster for the Children's Scarecrow Trail

Family Worship 2.2.2020 4pm

Ordination of Mark Poole Friday 25 September

Mark Poole, our new curate, will be ordained deacon in the Minster by Archbishop Stephen at 7pm on Friday 25 September 2020.

Due to the COVID restrictions only a small number of invited guests may attend. However, the core of the service will be live-streamed on Facebook at (no Facebook login required).

Do join us in praying for Mark and his wife Emma.

York School of Ministry Short Taster Course

York School of Ministry Short Taster Course

starts 26 August!

We are keen at York School of Ministry to make our courses accessible to all and as part of this vision we are offering a free online course to build confidence in those considering studying as part of their discipleship or vocational journeys. 

This 3 week course explores a different gospel each week and helps students to develop their study skills including effective note-taking, learning how to summarise their reading and writing down their own ideas using evidence to back these up.

View the YSOM Short Taster Course poster pictured as a downloadable pdf. 

The Grapevine September issue

The September 2020 issue of The Grapevine is now online. 

Find out why Revd Nick Bird loves Donald Trump, read the lockdown Poem 'From a Desk, Unchained' from local writer Pamela White, see which famous people you can identify (even when they're wearing a facemask), and enjoy the lovely spectacle of a flock of sparrows having a dust bath!

York School of Ministry Short Taster Course

York School of Ministry Short Taster Course

starts 26 August!

We are keen at York School of Ministry to make our courses accessible to all and as part of this vision we are offering a free online course to build confidence in those considering studying as part of their discipleship or vocational journeys. 

This 3 week course explores a different gospel each week and helps students to develop their study skills including effective note-taking, learning how to summarise their reading and writing down their own ideas using evidence to back these up.

View the YSOM Short Taster Course poster pictured as a downloadable pdf. 

Read the August issue of The Grapevine

The August 2020 issue of The Grapevine is now online. 

Read letters from Revd Nick Bird and Revd Canon Terry Joyce, find out what's been going on in Hagg Wood, learn about butterflies and bumblebees, and test your mind on some tricky Dingbats! 

Prayer for you or a loved one

Would you like someone to pray for you or a loved one?

Each week in our intercessions at Church we pray for those who are sick, including those from our parishes who are in hospital, or undergoing treatment.

We now have a small group of people who will pray for you or a loved one.
They will also be prayed for in the relevant Church at Morning Prayer each week.

If you, or a loved one would like prayer, please contact Judith Hewitt, 488331,
If you want prayer for someone else, please would you ask their permission, as we do when praying for someone in Church.

Initially you will be prayed for four weeks, but can be prayed for again.

The group praying will only have a first name, but Nick, Mark (our curate) and myself will have a surname and the reason for prayer.

Judith Hewitt

The Grapevine - July issue

The July 2020 issue of The Grapevine is now online. 

Read a letter from Mark Poole, our new curate from 5 July 2020, and a letter from Nick Bird; catch up on local news; learn about Hawthorn trees and Dung Beetles; or have a go at the Holtby Trader Quiz!

The Grapevine - June issue

The June 2020 issue of The Grapevine is now online. 

Ascension Day reflection

Nick Bird has shared a short video reflect on the Feast of the Ascension, celebrated forty days after Easter, which you can access on our video page.

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