Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW


Maundy Thursday

It is Maundy Thursday today, as you will know, a day not to be overlooked.

We look forward to Easter Day, but the journey to that day takes us through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Without these days, Easter arrives without its true context.

As we are not gathering for our usual service tonight, we have created a short service to share with you. Maybe watch it this evening as it is getting dark. The link is below, and the service will be available from 12 noon today.

With every blessing during this holy season.

Revd Nick Bird

Newsletter 04.04.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 4 April 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

4 April:  Easter Day

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 4 April 2021

Public Rights of Way in Dunnington, Holtby & Kexby

We have been asked to share this leafet, for the benefit of the local community.

Download as pdf the leaflet Public Rights of Way in Dunnington, Holtby & Kexby

Family Worship 2.2.2020 4pm

Newsletter 21.03.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 21 March 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

25 March:  Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 21 March 2021

Sign up for the Scarecrow Trail

Dunnington Scarecrow Trail 1 - 3 May 2021

You can now sign up online at
You don't need to have finalised your ideas - just let us know what address your scarecrow will be at.

More information about the 2021 Scarecrow Trail.

If you can help to deliver letters about the Trail to houses in Dunnington, please contact Judith, 488331. They will be ready to deliver from Monday 8th March.

Newsletter 07.03.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 7 March 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

1 March:  David,  Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales  c.601

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 7 March 2021

Family Worship 7 March 4pm

Do join us for a short, creative service held over Zoom

The theme is Building on Firm Foundations and the service will be led by Lisa Horton, Judith Hewitt and Revd Mark Poole

Please have these things with you:

  • A building, which can be made out of Lego, blocks, junk modelling or whatever you like
  • A square piece of paper
  • (optional) a sandwich or rock bun

And if you can, do stay on Zoom  
afterwards for a cuppa, a snack and a chat

Zoom link

To receive the zoom link, please Email Lisa Horton (Children & Families Worker),  Judith Hewitt (Reader) or Revd Mark Poole (Curate)


A parent/guardian will need to be visible on screen throughout. We take safeguarding very seriously and a full risk assessment has been done for this activity. Please contact Lisa, Judith, Revd Mark or Revd Nick Bird if you would like more details.

Download the poster for Family Worship 7.3.21

Family Worship 2.2.2020 4pm

Newsletter 28.02.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 28 February 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

1 March:  David,  Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales  c.601
2 March:  Chad,  Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary  672

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 28 February 2021

Newsletter 21.02.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 21 February 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

23 February:  Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr  c.155
27 February:  George Herbert, Priest, Poet  1633

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 21 February 2021

Newsletter 14.02.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 14 February 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

17 February:  Ash Wednesday

You can access this week's Lectionary readings and prayers
Lectionary readings and prayers for the fortnight starting Sunday 14 February 2021


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