Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW


Heart Tree

Heart Tree

From 11 February

Choose a heart, write the name of someone you love, or who really needs to feel God's love, and hang it on the tree.

At all four parish churches in the Benefice.

Download the poster for the Heart Tree activity

HeartTree Poster

Family Worship 7 February 4pm

Do join us for a short, creative service held over Zoom

The theme is Love and the service will be led by Lisa Horton, Judith Hewitt and Revd Mark Poole

Please have these things with you:

  • something you love to eat
  • something you love to play with

And if you can, do stay on Zoom  
afterwards for a cuppa, a snack and a chat

Zoom link

To receive the zoom link, please Email Lisa Horton (Children & Families Worker),  Judith Hewitt (Reader) or Revd Mark Poole (Curate)


A parent/guardian will need to be visible on screen throughout. We take safeguarding very seriously and a full risk assessment has been done for this activity. Please contact Lisa, Judith, Revd Mark or Revd Nick Bird if you would like more details.

Download the poster for Family Worship 7.2.21

Family Worship 2.2.2020 4pm

Messy Pancake Bake-Off!

Tuesday 16 February at 11.00am

Email Lisa for the zoom link. 

Download the poster for the Messy Pancake Bake-Off

Family Worship 2.2.2020 4pm

Closure of church building

A message from Revd Nick Bird, 9 January 2021

You will be aware from news reports that the situation with covid-19 is worsening, even though we have the hope of the new vaccines being rolled out. Yesterday the York Press reported that our local A&E is being overrun, the Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty is now advising that we should all behave as though we are already carrying the virus, and even the Bishop of London, who represents the Church of England nationally on covid-related matters, is urging churches to think very carefully before holding services.

In the light of all this Revd. Nick Bird has taken the decision to cancel all in-person services across our benefice, starting immediately, and reviewing this at the end of January. This includes both Sunday services in Stockton, weekday morning prayer in each of the churches and also the opening of churches for private prayer. This decision has not been taken lightly, and there is always regret when making such a move. For the foreseeable future, it seems the most loving thing to do.

Morning prayer will switch to being online, Monday to Thursday, via zoom at 9am, and can be joined by anyone by clicking the following link: The service lasts about 15 minutes, and you are welcome to leave immediately or to stay for a few minutes to chat. All are welcome. Download the order of service for zoom Morning Prayer.

This decision has been endorsed by the Bishop of Selby.

Please get in touch with Nick Bird (   489349) if you have any questions. Do look after yourselves, especially in icy weather, and please keep in touch with each other and those whom you know to be vulnerable.

Every blessing


No 10.30am Christmas Day service in the church building

We originally organised two morning services on Christmas Day to make sure there was capacity for everyone who may wish to attend. However, due to a low number of people booking to come at 10.30am we are cancelling this, and those people are now coming at 9.30am instead.

We still have room for about another dozen at 9.30am, so contact Revd Nick Bird (489349 / if you would like to reserve a place.

Christmas Eve at 7pm is now booked to capacity.

Every blessing to you all this Christmas.

Nativity Trails

Nativity Trail in each village

A Nativity Trail is now set up in each of the four villages. Follow the trail map and read the story of the first Christmas on the posters, which will be displayed on fences, lamp posts, gates etc.

Dunnington Nativity Trail Map

Stockton on the Forest Nativity Trail Map

Warthill Nativity Trail Map

Holtby  Nativity Trail Map

Nativity Trail Challenge

find the words hidden on the posters and put them together to make a verse from the bible. The first ten people to message with the bible verse and the book it is from, will get a small prize.

Craft Packs

Craft packs are also available - please message Lisa to register.

Please remember social distancing rules at all times.

Nativity Trail poster

Christingle 6 December

Christingle and Children’s Society

There will be an on-line Christingle Service this year on Sunday 6th December on our video page and youtube channel

Download instructions on how to make a Christingle, or you can have a candle ready to light. 

The Children’s Society last year received £1.2 million from Christingle services. If you can support the Society’s work with vulnerable children please do so via a our Christingle fundraising page, or you can leave a donation at The Rectory in Dunnington or with Ennis Tweddle in Stockton in a marked envelope. Thank you!

Programme for Interfaith Week in York

Interfaith Week in York - 7th -15th November 2020

York Interfaith Group  -  Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Our historic city will host a number of events during National Interfaith Week, each inviting you to discover more about our diverse and vibrant faith communities, beliefs, traditions, values and contributions to 21st Century York Life

Due to COVID19 most events will be virtual this year, but hopefully still offering an insight into Interfaith work within the city. 

Programme of events for Interfaith week 2020

Praying together over Zoom

An invitation to prayer from Revd Mark Poole

I would like to invite you to an informal time of prayer via Zoom. I am hoping this can be a monthly event over the next three months whilst we are under the restrictions placed upon us due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It will be 45 mins - 1 hour max, starting at 7:00pm, and will be an opportunity to pray for the needs of our communities, our nation and our world. It will also be an opportunity for us to pray for God's mission in our benefice as we seek to serve in His Kingdom.

The first three sessions will be on the following dates:

Tuesday 10th November at 7:00pm
Monday 14th December at 7:00pm
Thursday 14th January 2021 at 7:00pm

You are very welcome to join one or more of these sessions. We can then review how we move forward after January. If you know anyone who worships elsewhere and who may like to join us, then please let them know the dates and forward the zoom details - they will be most welcome.

A Zoom invitation will be sent out a few days in advance. Please email to be included.

If you do not wish to join us, but would like prayer, then please do let me know, and whether you are happy for this to be prayed for during the meeting. 

With every blessing, Mark

ACPM 2020 Election Results & Papers

The 2020 ACPM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) for the Parish of St Nicholas, Dunnington, took place on Sunday 22 November 2020 at 2.00pm via Zoom.

Download the election results, pictured below.

election results

You can also access the:


Notice of the 2020 ACPM for the Parish of St Nicholas, Dunnington

Notice of the 2020 election of Churchwardens for the Parish of St Nicholas, Dunnington

Agenda and Reports

2020 APCM Agenda and Reports Document (this includes the Treasurer's Review, Statement of Financial Activities, Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Charts)

Year Ended 31st December 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements (Full 2019 accounts etc) 

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