Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW


Family Worship 13 June 4pm

Do join us for a short, creative service for all ages

The theme for the year is Bible Heroes and this month we consider
The Courage of David.

Bring your own picnic tea for afterwards. Drinks will be provided. 

Please contact Lisa Horton, our Children and Families Worker, if you would like more details.

Download the poster for Family Worship 13.6.21

Family Worship poster

Scarecrow Weekend Photos

Missed the Scarecrow Weekend 1-3 May? Or didn't manage to see them all?

Don't fret - you can now see all the scarecrows in the Scarecrow Trail 2021 photo album!

Newsletter 16.05.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 16 May 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

19 May:  Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Monastic reformer,  988
20 May:  Alcuin, Deacon, Abbot of Tours,  804

Download the full information and prayers for the week beginning 16 May 2021.

Building Work Appeal

In December 2020 we launched our appeal to raise £100K for essential building maintenance. Most significantly the Tower Room roof needs a complete rebuild and the heating system needs replacing. 

Donations specifically for this appeal can also be made online using the dedicated link


Alternatively, cash or cheques (made payable to Dunnington PCC) can be put through the Rectory Letterbox (Church Street) or via your normal church contacts. Please mark the envelope with “fabric donation”. This will ensure your donation is assigned to the fabric fund used specifically for this work.

If you can gift-aid your donations this would be appreciated as this will enable us in addition to claim some tax back. Gift-aid envelopes are available in the church or from the Church Wardens or download the DPCC Gift Aid Declaration Form

For further information, advice or assistance on any of these methods, please contact our treasurer or churchwardens.


Newsletter 09.05.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 9 May 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

13 May:           Ascension Day
14 May:           Matthias the Apostle

Download the full information and prayers for the week beginning 9 May 2021.

Newsletter 02.05.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 2 May 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

4 May:  English Saints and Martyrs of the Reformation Era
8 May:  Julian of Norwich, Spiritual Writer  c. 1417

Download the full information and prayers for the week beginning 2 May 2021.

Newsletter 25.04.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 25 April 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

26 April:  Mark the Evangelist (transferred from 25 April)
27 April:  Christina Rossetti, poet 1894
29 April:  Catherine of Siena, Teacher of the Faith  1380
1 May:     Philip and James, Apostles

Download the full information and prayers for the week beginning 25 April 2021.

Newsletter 18.04.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 18 April 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

19 April: Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr,  1012
21 April: Anselm, Abbot of Le Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury,  Teacher of the Faith,  1109
23 April: George, Martyr, Patron of England  c.304

Download the full information and prayers for the week beginning 18 April 2021.

Electoral Roll revisions

It is once again time to revise our Electoral Roll, in preparation for our Annual Meeting on 16 May. The revised Roll will be displayed in church from 1 May. 

Please send any applications, or changes (e.g. change of address), to Alison Gilmour by Monday 26 April at the latest. She can provide you with the correct form if you contact her: 14 Greenside Close, 01904 489148 or The form can be delivered, or scanned and sent to you. 

The Roll is now displayed with only your name and title available to view (addresses are no longer public).

Newsletter 11.04.21

Read this week's newsletter

Newsletter of the Benefice of Rural East York for Sunday 11 April 2021

Would you like to receive the newsletter by email each week? 
Email Victoria Beale (Communications Officer). 

Lectionary Corner

There are no festivals or Saints’ Days in Easter week.

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