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A service to mark the start of Christian Aid Week
Today we explore the Christian journey.
Our service this week is one of Holy Communion. Do participate in the act of worship in whatever way feels right to you. If this means having bread and wine as part of this, then we would encourage you to do so. In this service, the mystery of the sacrament meets the mystery of the internet, so there is plenty of room for the work of the Holy Spirit.
A very warm welcome to you from us all here in the Benefice Rural East York. This Sunday 18th April we continue to reflect on the mystery and glory of Christ's resurrection.
A very happy Easter to you all!
Do join us for our online Maundy Thursday service.
We extend a very warm welcome to you from the Benefice of East Rural York. It is our hope that this service encourages you to worship Jesus Christ.
This Sunday 28 February, as we continue our journey through Lent, we hear Jesus’ call to follow in the way of the cross. Wherever this path may lead, we know that Jesus walks with us and the way of the cross is also the way of life.
This week our service is on the theme of love (appropriately enough for Valentine's Day, and our preacher is Andy Hagon who is an ordinand on placement in our benefice.
'Do not worry', 'Consider the birds of the air'. Do join us as we contemplate what these words mean for us in the midst of a pandemic.