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This Sunday's service explores how we are invited to journey with God, as we reflect on the story from St. Luke's gospel of Jesus sending out the 70 disciples to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom.
Welcome to our Harvest Festival service.
Welcome to our service today. We are particularly celebrating the ordination of Revd. Mark Poole on Friday evening, and remembering our own calling by God to our unique vocation in life, whatever that may be.
A service from the churches of the Benefice of Rural East York, celebrating Climate Sunday. For more information about Climate Sunday and the work described in the service visit: https://www.climatesunday.org/. Other resources mentioned during the service are available: https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/ https://www.caringforgodsacre.org.uk/ https://greenchristian.org.uk/
A service of worship for Trinity 13
A traditional liturgical service of Morning Worship, with songs, prayers and a homily
A service of worship, with songs, prayers and a homily
A service of worship, with a homily from Nicky Gladstone.
Welcome to our service from the churches of the Benefice of Rural East York. Wherever you are watching this from, you are most welcome. Get in touch and let us know where you are watching from and how our Church may best serve you. You can email The Revd. Nick Bird at revnickbird@gmail.com Mark Poole (Curate) at revmarkpoole20@gmail.com Perhaps you might let someone know that they can listen to this service on their phone by calling 01904 899433 We would love you to join us for Zoom coffee after at 11.30am on Sunday 9th August 2020. The link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87423794155 We would be delighted if you were able to support the work of our churches, and you can do so here: https://www.goldengiving.com/church/st-nicholas-church-dunnington
Welcome to our service from the churches of the Benefice of Rural East York. Wherever you are watching this from, you are most welcome.