HoltbyTrader Vernacular Quiz
Cockney Rhyming slang
What do our friends around Bow Bells mean when they say...
- Up the apples and pears
- Would you Adam and Eve it?
- Pass the Army and Navy
- What knobbly biscuits and cheese
- Take a butcher’s at this
- You’re talking cobblers
- Use your crust
- Stick that up your Khyber
- What beautiful mince pies
- Don’t rabbit on so
- I can smell raspberry tart
- Scarpa! The police are coming
- The trouble and strife is out
- I’ve had my Barnet cut
- I’m ironing my Uncle Bert
- She has a lovely pair of bacon and eggs
- Hand over the bees and honey
- We had a bull and cow about it
- Pooh, it pens a bit in here
- I live near my baker’s dozen
- She’s a bit daffy
Tie break: Why Bow Bells?