Answers to the Holtby Trader Topical Quiz
Guy Fawkes
1. Guy Fawkes was a
- Catholic
- Protestant
- Methodist
2. He was probably born in
- The Shambles
- Petergate
- Stonegate
3. He was baptised in
- St Helens
- All Saints Pavement
- St Michael le Belfrey
4. He went to school at
- Archbishop Holgate’s
- St Peter’s
- The Minster School
5. He served in the Netherlands fighting for the
- Spanish
- French
- Dutch
6. When in Spain he used an alternative name:
- George
- Gaylord
- Guido
7. The monarch of England at the time was:
- Elizabeth 1
- James 1st
- Henry VIII
8. Guy and his friends were opposed to the king because he was:
- too young
- Protestant
- gay
9. Guy Fawkes had a number of accomplices:
- Seven
- Thirteen
- Six
10. They placed gunpowder under
- The House of Commons
- The House of Lords
- Buckingham Palace
11. They were discovered because
- a message was intercepted
- the gunpowder didn’t go off
- they were betrayed
12. They got him to confess through
- bribery
- flattery
- torture
13. The conspirators were condemned to be
- hung, drawn and quartered
- put in the stocks
- burnt alive
14. Guy Fawkes killed himself before his hanging by
- poisoning himself
- committing hari-kari
- jumping off the scaffold
15. Remember remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and…
- Guy
- plot
- bonfire