Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
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Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

15. Quiz

HoltbyTrader Vernacular Quiz

Cockney Rhyming slang

What do our friends around Bow Bells mean when they say...

  1. Up the apples and pears            
  2. Would you Adam and Eve it?     
  3. Pass the Army and Navy                      
  4. What knobbly biscuits and cheese                 
  5. Take a butcher’s at this            
  6. You’re talking cobblers              
  7. Use your crust                           
  8. Stick that up your Khyber         
  9. What beautiful mince pies                   
  10. Don’t rabbit on so                      
  11. I can smell raspberry tart                   
  12. Scarpa! The police are coming   
  13. The trouble and strife is out    
  14. I’ve had my Barnet cut              
  15. I’m ironing my Uncle Bert          
  16. She has a lovely pair of bacon and eggs         
  17. Hand over the bees and honey            
  18. We had a bull and cow about it  
  19. Pooh, it pens a bit in here          
  20. I live near my baker’s dozen      
  21. She’s a bit daffy   

Tie break: Why Bow Bells?


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