Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW


This week's newsletter

We produce a weekly news sheet each Sunday which covers all four Parish Churches in the Benefice and also includes news from the York Methodist Circuit. It includes service details, a diary for the week and news. 

Access online. Recent newsletters are available in pdf format from the News page.

Receive by email. Alternatively, email Elizabeth (Communications Officer) to be added to the mailing list and receive it direct to your inbox each week.

Items for the news sheet must be submitted by 9.00 am on Thursday to be published in the news sheet the following Sunday. To submit an item, please email Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth is also the contact for The Grapevine, our monthly magazine./content/pages/documents/newsletter-23rd-march--2025.pdf

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