Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

10. Quiz

FairTrade logoHoltby Trader International Quiz

No Trader for a while yet, but here’s the quiz you might have had.

Film titles

  1. Gone with…
  2. 7 brides for…
  3. The good, the bad…
  4. The Third …
  5. Forty-second...
  6. Mission:…
  7. Pretty…
  8. Blade…
  9. Bonnie and…
  10. Reservoir…
  11. Doctor…
  12. The Deer…
  13. Close encounters…
  14. Slumdog…
  15. Die….
  16. On the….
  17. 12 angry…
  18. Brokeback…
  19. Blazing…
  20. All the President’s…


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