Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

5. Church News

Sunday Worship

While we are not able to worship together in Church, we can still worship at home, using the weekly services shared on the video page of this website. 

The local radio stations, (Radio York 103.7) have an act of Christian worship every Sunday at 8.00am. BBC 1 has Morning Worship about 10.45am on a Sunday morning, the time can vary so check your TV listings.

News from Dunnington Methodist Church

Our Methodist buildings are still closed for the present and we have no notification of when they will be open for worship or prayer. We hope you are able to keep in touch in other ways. Listen to a service on radio York at 8am on Sunday mornings and Songs of praise on television. 

If you are in need of support or just want to chat the stewards are here for you. Anne Castle 481656 or Diane Conway 489495, Chris Spedding 481191. Pastoral secretary Jocelyn Auton 488044. Rev. Keith Albans 491761 or York circuit office 07984019995 where a message can be left.

If you are not on the internet and would like copies of weekly services please ring Diane and she will deliver you a copy to read at home. We also have a Pentecost Pastoral letter from Leslie Newton, District Chair which has been sent this week, if you would like a paper copy just contact Diane. (it can also be emailed if you haven’t received it).

The Final clap for carers is planned for Sunday 5th JulyEverybody across the country is being encouraged to come together on the birthday of NHS, to thank not only NHS staff but all key workers, good neighbours and all those helping others through the coronavirus pandemic. Watch out for further details of times for:

  • A minute’s silence on the evening of July 4th when people will be asked to light a candle in their window in remembrance of all who have died during this time.
  • A moment of thanks and connection on Sunday July 5th when we take part in one last country-wide clap of thanks and then stay out to raise a glass or have a cup of tea with our neighbours. Lets all support the NHS in Dunnington.

Prayers for use during the coronavirus outbreak

The Church of England has produced a booklet ‘Prayers for use during the coronavirus outbreak’ which can be accessed online from this link or purchased from Church House Publishing.

Here are a few of the prayers.

From one who is ill or isolated 
O God, help me to trust you, help me to know that you are with me, help me to believe that nothing can separate me from your love revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Before going to sleep 
God our Father, by whose mercy the world turns safely into darkness and returns again to light: we place in your hands our unfinished tasks, our unsolved problems, and our unfulfilled hopes, knowing that only what you bless will prosper. To your love and protection, we commit each other and all those we love, knowing that you alone are our sure defender, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Church of South India)

A prayer for children (of all ages) remembering God is with us 
Lord God, you are always with me. You are with me in the day and in the night. You are with me when I’m happy and when I’m sad. You are with me when I’m healthy and when I am ill. You are with me when I am peaceful and when I am worried. Today I am feeling (name how you are feeling) because (reasons you are feeling this way). Help me to remember that you love me and are with me in everything today.  Amen.

Daily Hope                                             

Every day you can ring Daily Hope for prayer, hymns and reflections. This line has been set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury especially for those who cannot access the internet so do tell those who you think might be interested. 0800 804 8044

Dial-a-Prayer phone lines for prayers and news from the Methodist Church
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478

Content is updated weekly on Thursday afternoon

Scarecrow Trail

The Scarecrow Trail has been rescheduled for 1-3 May 2021. 


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