Dunnington and Holtby Health Walks
For reasons that everybody knows, all the York Health Calks have been cancelled till further notice. We’ll continue to inform of any changes, so don’t cancel your Grapevine.
Also, why don’t walkers contribute to the magazine a few items reflecting on what they like about the walks, which walks they prefer, strange things which have happened, and any new routes etc? So, aspiring journalists, use your accumulating leisure to put finger to keyboard and share your thoughts with kindred spirits! No time for modesty in this crisis.
New Gate
The longest of the Tuesday Health Walks is the Stockton Round – a circular walk from Holtby to Stockton on (the) Forest, taking in the stately home of Brockfield Hall.
At 5 and a half miles, it takes just over the regulation one and a half hours, but a recent improvement has cut that time down, especially with the large groups we are now seeing. A farm gate and a monster stile just after Weir Pond have been replaced by two shining metal kissing gates.
No kissing, of course, and no excuse for crude jokes about the leg actions required to mount the stile and get down in safety. But it reduces waiting time slightly and brings forward the coffee and biscuits lovingly prepared by Rosalie in Holtby Church on our return.