Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

5. Church News

The Benefice Churches are open... but not completely

The four parish churches are open at various times during the week for private prayer, and you are encouraged to come, sit and enjoy the peace of our beautiful buildings. Perhaps this is an opportunity to explore them in new ways.

The decision has been taken not to hold Sunday services until at least September, in light of the ongoing risk and the viability of public worship, and the success of our online services each Sunday (in the past month alone our Youtube channel has had over 1,800 views, amounting to over 16,700 minutes watched, across the country and as far as South Africa).

However, as they tend to be smaller and more manageable services, Morning Prayer will be said in each of our four churches at 9am during the week (Monday, Holtby; Tuesday, Warthill; Wednesday, Stockton; Thursday, Dunnington). All are welcome to these services which usually lasts about 25 minutes. An order of service is provided which can then be taken home.

Revd Nick Bird

Morning Prayer (service)    Thursday  9.00am
Open for private prayer      Thurs 10am - 12pm, Sun 3pm - 5pm

Morning Prayer (service)    Monday 9.00am
Open for private prayer      Thurs 10am - 1pm, Sun 1pm - 4pm

Morning Prayer (service)    Tuesday 9.00am
Open for private prayer      Thurs 1 - 4pm, Sun 1pm - 4pm

Morning Prayer (service)     Wednesday  9.00am
Open for private prayer       Wed 1pm - 4pm, Sun 1pm - 4pm

Compline (online)
You are very welcome to (virtually) join Revd Nick Bird and others for a quiet service of Compline every Wednesday evening at 7.00pm. This is held online using Zoom. You can either download the free Zoom app or just join us through your web browser at The Meeting ID is 867 0783 9332.

The Hope Club

our children’s holiday club from home

We’d like to invite all children to our Benefice Summer Holiday Club from Home. Weekly sessions will start on Tuesday 28 July and continue for 5 weeks.

There will be craft packs sent to your door, puzzle pages, stories, weekly online Zoom sessions and Dynamic Dan videos to enjoy!

Please email Lisa Horton, Children & Families worker at for more information and to sign up. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can prepare your craft packs.

Would you like someone to pray for you or a loved one?

Each week in our intercessions at Church we pray for those who are sick, including those from our parishes who are in hospital, or undergoing treatment.

We now have a small group of people who will pray for you or a loved one.
They will also be prayed for in the relevant Church at Morning Prayer each week.

If you, or a loved one would like prayer, please contact Judith Hewitt, 488331,
If you want prayer for someone else, please would you ask their permission, as we do when praying for someone in Church.

Initially you will be prayed for four weeks, but can be prayed for again.

The group praying will only have a first name, but Nick, Mark (our curate) and myself will have a surname and the reason for prayer.

Judith Hewitt

A prayer for those who are ill 

Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain, knowing that whenever danger threatens your everlasting arms are there to hold them safe. Comfort and heal them, and restore them to health and strength; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


We had booked the Reading Room for a Harvest Celebration on 26th September, but we have cancelled this as there are still likely to be restrictions on serving food and on the entertainment we can do.

We are sure Carecent will still want their usual gifts to serve breakfast so start collecting now!

News from the Methodist Church 

Our Methodist buildings are still closed for the present and we have no notification of when they will be open for worship or prayer. We hope you are able to keep in touch in other ways. Listen to a service on radio York at 8am on Sunday mornings and Songs of praise on television. 

If you are in need of support or just want to chat the stewards are here for you. Anne Castle 481656 or Diane Conway 489495, Chris Spedding 481191. Pastoral secretary Jocelyn Auton 488044. Rev. Keith Albans 491761 or York circuit office 07984019995 where a message can be left.

If you are not on the internet and would like copies of weekly services please ring Diane and she will deliver you a copy to read at home. 

Worship resources
Please see our webpage which lists a number of worship resources and services being arranged locally 

Social media
Don't forget that as well as our website you can follow our Facebook Page for updates during the week, and you can join our group  to discuss with others and share what you're doing.


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