Saturday 12 June
10.00am—12:30pm at Holy Trinity, Stockton, and
2.00pm—4.30pm at St Nicholas, Dunnington
Caring for creation is one of the church’s key missions, but how can we do that if we don’t know what we have?
Come and join us in the churchyards of Holy Trinity and St Nicholas and help survey the biodiversity as part of the national 'Churches Count on Nature' initiative.
No specialist skills needed. There will be wildlife experts on hand to help you identify your finds. Additionally, if you can, bring a smart phone with the free 'iRecord' or ‘iNaturalist’ app installed - you’ll be able to get instant expert help with your identification by uploading photos of what you see! Our findings will be added to a national database.
Nature Detective activities will be provided for children, to help everyone of all ages to get involved, and refreshments will be available.
For more information, please email Lisa Horton at or Colin Beale.
Download the poster for the 'Churchyard Wildlife Count', shown below.
Land and Nature webinar series
5 – 13 June 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Every weekday during Churches Count on Nature week the Church of England Environment Programme are running webinars. Places are free but must be booked using the Churches Count on Nature Webinars webpage.