Rev. Kath McBride:  01904 489349
Email the Office

Church Street, Dunnington

York, YO19 5PW

8. Church News 3

We may be feeling like a lost sheep at the moment.

I hope this version of Psalm 23 may give you comfort.

To the lost sheep, 
He is the seeking Shepherd;

To the needy sheep,
He is the providing Shepherd;

To the hurting sheep,
He is the comforting Shepherd;

To the bruised sheep,
He is the healing Shepherd;

To the anxious sheep,
He is the peaceful Shepherd;

To the wandering sheep,
He is the guiding Shepherd;

To the fearful sheep,
He is the protecting Shepherd;

To lame sheep,
He is the carrying Shepherd;

To the discontented sheep,
He is the fulfilling Shepherd;

To the parched sheep,
He is the anointing Shepherd;

To the timid sheep,
He is the reassuring Shepherd;

To the fallen sheep,
He is the merciful Shepherd;

To the nervous sheep,
He is the quieting Shepherd;

To the heavy laden sheep,
He is the restful Shepherd;

To the lonely sheep,
He is the ever-present Shepherd;

To the weary sheep,
He is the restoring Shepherd;

To all His sheep,
He is the Good Shepherd. 

(source unknown)

Diocese of York Coronavirus, Church and You; Survey by York St John University

A survey by the Theology department of York St John University is assessing responses to the COVID-19 crisis among churchgoers in the UK.

Compiled by the Revd Andrew Village, Professor of Practical and Empirical Theology, and the Revd Canon Professor Leslie Francis, Visiting Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, the questionnaire asks about people's own experience and reaction to the outbreak, as well as opinions about how the church locally and nationally has responded. 

Answers given are anonymous and will be treated confidentially, so participants can feel free to express their opinions. 

"There are several sections that include questions about you and your church," explains Andrew Village. 

"Please answer all of these if you are able because they will help us to understand how different people in different contexts have experienced the pandemic. It is better to go through each section fairly quickly, rather than spending too long thinking about your answer!"

More details about the survey can be found via the link below; it is estimated it will take 20 to 30 minutes and at the end there is an invitation to respond in your own words to what has happened. 

Take the survey at

Diocese of York resources 

The Diocesan Prayer Diary can be download from

'TheMailing' can be download from

'TheNews'  (The downloadable and printable diocesan newsletter) can be found at


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